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Circulars / Orders/ Policies
- Letter for Blacklisting the Firm from the Institute due to supply of sub-standard material to the School of Electrical Sciences
- Notice Regarding 5th Foundation Day
- Circular regarding Mahatma Gandhiji’s Matyrdom Day
- Circular for Holiday on 28.03.2013 on account of Holi in place of 27.03.2013
- CVC Circulars/Guidelines
- Custom & Central Excise Duty Exemption Certificate
- GST Registration Certificate
- DSIR Certificate Registration
- IEC Registration Certificate
Office Orders
- Office order on “Empanelment of Vendors for Supply of Books/CD/DVD and Audio Visual Material to the Central Library, IIT Bhubaneswar”
- Administrative assignment for appointment of Warden & Associate Wardens of the Institute
- Office Order No.147/2023 dt 11th May 2023 regrding additional responsibility for Assistant Legal Officer
- Re-Constitution of MoU committee Members
- Certificate of IEC
- The Renewal DSIR registration certificate for availing Customs Duty exemptions is attached to upload in the institute website.
- Circular for Annual Health Check-up of Faculty Members and Group A Officers above 40 years as per CGHS Guidelines
- Office Order No.10/2022-Proposal for availing Institute residential accommodation by the Faculty & Staff
- Office Order No. 155- Regarding House Allotment Committe
- Office Order No. 118, dt. 14.06.2021 regarding Summer Vacation for Faculty
- Office Order No. 114 dated 25.05.2021 for Summer Vacation 2020-21
- Office Order regarding appointment as Nodal Officer of Special Guidance Centre for the differently abled Students
- Office Order regarding link officers work assignment
- Office Order of appointment of Part-time CVO of the Institute
- Office Order of Reallocation of work among the Officers in the Registry
- Office Order of Empanelled Vendors of the Central Library
- Office Order -199 Concerning Interaction with Print/Electronic media
- Administrative Notification Number 173-2020, Dated 16th July 2020
- MHA Guidelines for phased reopening (Unblock 2) – Order No. 40-3/2020-DM-I(A) dated 29-06-2020
- SOP to facilitate joining of New faculty members dated 05-07-2020
- Office Order No. 141 regarding Extension of Service Period of Prof. Hrusikesh Mishra as Visiting Professor, School of Earth Ocean and Climate Sciences
- Administrative Notification Number 142-2020, Dated 5th June 2020
- SOP – Administrative Notification Number 140-2020, Dated 5th June 2020
- Administrative Notification Number 138-2020, Dated 30th May 2020
- Administrative Notification Number 137A-2020, Dated 28th May 2020
- Administrative Notification Number 137-2020, Dated 28th May 2020
- Office Order No. 344/2020 Dated 29th April 2020
- DO letter dated 03.04.2020 from MHRD on COVID-19 Dated 03rd April 2020
- Administrative Notification Number 103 -2020 Dated 28th March 2020
- Office Memorandum F.No. 11013/9/2014- Preventive measures to be taken to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Dated 17th March 2020
- Message to Students regardning Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)- Dated 16th March 2020
- DO Letter Cabinet Secretary-Preventive and expeditious action to sensitize students on COVID 19 – Dated 08th March 2020
- Do Letter MOHFW-Preventive and expeditious action to sensitize students on COVID 19 – Dated 08th March 2020
- Precautionary advisory to arrest the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID 19) within IIT Bhubaneswar Campus- Dated 14th March 2020
- Office Order No. 81 regarding Extension of tenure of Prof. G. Mishra, Visiting Professor as Academic Coordinator – School of Humanities, Social Sciences & Management
- Office Order No. 80 regarding Administrative Assignment to Dr. Sumanta Haldar as PIC- Civil Works
- Office Order No. 79 – Administrative Assignment to Dr. Dinakar Pasla as Head – School of Infrastructure
- Office Order No. 78 – Administrative Assignment to Prof. P. V. Satyam as Head – School of Minerals, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
- Office Order No. 77 – Administrative Assignment to Prof. R. K. Panda as Head – School of Earth, Ocean & Climate Sciences
- Office Order No. 76 – Extension of tenure of Dr. P. R. Sahu, Associate Professor as Dean – Academic Affairs
- “Matribhasha Diwas” (Mother Language Day) Celebrations – Reg.
- Observance of Martyrs’ Day, 2020 – Reg.
- Office Memorandum – Minutes of the Meeting of I-Stem-India Science Technology and Engineering Facilities Map-regarding
- Office Order No. 34 (22-01-2020) regarding nomination of Nodal Officer of the Institute to upload the equipment and related data on I-stem portal
- Office Order No. 17 (04-01-2020) regarding constitution of the standing committee to take care of the day to day needs of differently abled person as well as the implementation of the scheme as applicable to differently abled persons.
- Office Order No. 422 – 08-04-2019
- Office Order No. 105 – 25-03-2019
- Office Order No. 104 – 25-03-2019
- Office Order No. 182
- Office Order No. 181
- Office Order regarding appointment of Dr. Y. G. Bhumkar as PIC- Start Up Center
- Office Order regarding appointment of Dr. C. N. Bhende as PIC- Institute Seminar
- Office order for Merit-Cum-Means Scholarship Afresh for the Year 2017-18 of Mr. Mudhapaku V. V. Bhuvana Chandra Pushkal
- Office Order of Standing Disposal Committee
- Office Order No.36
- Hindi Order
- Payment of honorarium to the Guest Speakers invited for the Institute Seminar
- Office Order No.423
- Office Order No.379
- Office Order No.378
- Office Order No.377
- Office Order No.373
- Office Order No.374
- Office Order No.365
- Office Order No.361
- Office Order No.299
- Office Order No.295
- Office Order No.209
- Office Order No.203
- Office Order No.201
- Office Order No.200
- Office Order No.197
- Office Order No.193
- Office Order No.190
- Office Order No.188
- Office Order No.175/2017
- Office Order No.174/2017
- Office Order No.171/2017
- Office Order No.166/2017
- Office Order No.169/2017
- Office Order No. 64
- Circular – Community Centre
- Office Order No. 17
- Office Order for Empanelment of vendors
- Office Order No.145/2017 dt 11.01.2017
- Office Order No.146/2017 dt 11.01.2017
- Office Order No.147/2017 dt 11.01.2017
- Office Order No.148/2017 dt 11.01.2017
- Office Order No.149/2017 dt 11.01.2017
- Office Order No.150/2017 dt 11.01.2017
- Office Order No.151/2017 dt 11.01.2017
- Office Order No.152/2017 dt 11.01.2017
- Circular regarding usage of debit cards by the Govt. employees
- Change of date of ID-E-Milad
- Rules for late Semester Registration
- Holidays Circular – 2017
- Notice for Hostel Elections
- Declaration of Holiday on 14.04.2016
- Auction Notice : Public Auction of the cashew crops available inside its permanent campus at Jatni
- DAAD Scholarships under the Sandwich System for Master’s students at the IITs
- Office Order – 111/2016
- Office Order – 110/2016
- Office Order – Committee for Accelerating Campus Recruitment
- Office Order – Arrangement of Institute Transport Services
- Office Order – Declaration of Assets and Liabilities as per Lokpal and Lokayukta Act 2013
- Office Order – LokPal Proforma
- Office Memorandum – Declaration of Assets and Liabilities by public servants under section 44 of the Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013
- Office Memo – Internal Complaints Committee