Institutional Bio-Safety Committee (IBSC)
The institutional bio-safety committee (IBSC) of IIT Bhubaneswar is currently comprised of the following members, as approved by the competent authority.
- Prof. P. Dinakar, Dean SRIC (Chairman, Ex Officio)
- Dr. P. K. Sahoo, Director, CIFA (DBT Nominee)
- Dr. Soumendra Rana, SBS (Member Secretary)
- Dr. T. K. Beuria, ILS Bhubaneswar (Outside expert)
- Dr. M. Dixit, NISER Bhubaneswar (Outside expert)
- Dr. S. Sahoo, Kalinga Hospital (Biosafety officer)
- Dr. A. Roychowdhury, SBS (Internal member)
- Prof. A. Biswas, SBS, (Internal member)
The tenure of the above committee will initially be for three years. The tenure of the members can be extended with mutual consent. New members will be added periodically based on the requirements.
The IBSC of IITBBS will follow the handbook of IBSCs issued by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India
Role of IBSC
The IBSC of IITBBS will review research projects involving biological fluids and samples at various biosafety levels, as described in the handbook, issued by DBT. Faculty members of IIT Bhubaneswar engaged in such research activities must secure clearance and necessary approval from the IBSC before the start of a research project.
Meeting Frequency
Initially, IBSC will meet twice a year (between December-January, and July-August). IBSC will send an announcement to all for the upcoming meeting a month (approximately) prior to the scheduled meeting. However, if needed, the committee can meet beyond the above schedule.
Submission of the Proposal to IBSC for Review
Faculty members are requested to submit their proposals in hard copy. In addition, faculty members are requested to email their proposals as a single, consolidated PDF file containing all necessary supporting documents. Please take note that, if necessary, IBSC may ask for additional documents not listed below.
Template for Submission of the Proposal
The template formats for proposal submission to the IBSC can be downloaded from the link provided below. Strike out whatever is not applicable to the project.
Medical Surveillance
Students and scholars working in such areas will be required to submit a health report as per the format provided below
Registration of IBSC of IITBBS
The current committee is registered (22857/67) with the RCGM secretariat, Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology