Prof. Subhransu Ranjan Samantaray
- 105
- +91 674 713 5750
- srs@iitbbs.ac.in
- School of Electrical Sciences
- Education
- Publications
- Research
- Projects
- Teaching
- Awards
Degree | Discipline | Year | School |
Post Doc | Power System Engineering | 2008 | McGill University, Canada |
Ph.D. | Power System Engineering | 2007 | NIT Rourkela |
B.E. | Electrical Engineering | 1999 | UCE Burla (now VSSUT Burla) (1st Position) |
Professor-School of Electrical Sciences, IIT Bhubanedswar, Odisha, India (October 2022-till now);
Associate Professor- School of Electrical Sciences, IIT Bhubaneswar,Odisha, India (April’2016- October 2022);
Assistant Professor – School of Electrical Sciences, IIT Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India (April 2011-April 2016);
Visiting Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, School of Electrical Engineering, AALTO University Helsinki, Finland (1st June-15th July 2017);
Visiting Professor, Department of ECE, McGill University, Canada (15th May-15th July 2014);
Visiting Professor, Department of ECE, McGill University, Canada (21st May-20th July 2012);
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT Rourkela, Odisha, India(September’ 2008- April’ 2011)
- Sourav Chakrabortya, Susmita Kar, Subhransu Ranjan Samantaray, Hierarchical Dual Loop Voltage and Frequency Control in Stand Alone Microgrid with Priority Based Intelligent Load Management, Electric Power System Research, Elsevier (Accepted March 2023).
- Sumit Kumar Jha, Deepak Kumar, S R Samantaray, Conservation Voltage Reduction Strategy for Autonomous Microgrid with Improved Voltage-Current Droop Based Inverter Control Framework, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, (Accepted February 2023).
- Ashis K Pradhan, P.R.Sahu, H. K Sahu, S. R. Samantaray, Performance Analysis of Smart Grid Wide Area Network with RIS Assisted Three Hop System”, IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks (Accepted January 2023).
- Smruti Rekha Samal, S R Samantaray, N K Sharma, Data-mining Model based Enhanced Differential Relaying Scheme for Microgrids”, IEEE Systems Journal (Accepted December 2022)
- Souvik Bera, Sourav Chakraborty, Susmita Kar, and S R Samantaray, Hierarchical Control for Voltage Unbalance Mitigation Considering Load Management in Stand-Alone Microgrid, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (Accepted November 2022)
- Sumit Kumar Jha, Deepak Kumar, Prabhat Ranjan Tripathi, S R Samantaray, and I. Kamwa, Demand Side Management of Self-Sustained Droop based Stand-Alone Microgrid using Conservation Voltage Reduction Strategy”, IEEE Systems Journal (Accepted November 2022).
- Kamalakanta Sethi, Sai Prasathi, D Mohanty, P. Bera, S R Samantaray, nalysis of Continual Learning Models for Intrusion Detection System “, IEEE Access (Accepted November 2022).
- Nikhil Kumar Sharma, S. R. Samantaray and C N Bhende, VMD enabled Current based Fast Fault Detection Scheme for DC Microgrid, IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 16 (1), pp. 933-944, March 2022.
- Shalini, S R Samantaray, Differential Voltage Based Wide-Area Back-up Protection Scheme for Transmission Network, IEEE Systems Journal Vol. 16 (1), pp. 520-530, March 2022.
- 0Shalini, S R Samantaray, I. Kamwa, Missing Data Tolerant Wide-Area Back-up Protection Scheme for Transmission Network”, IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp.88001-88011, August 2022.
- Biswajit Sahoo, S R Samantaray, I. Kamwa, Supervising Vulnerable Third Zone Distance Relay to Enhance Wide-Area Back-up Protection Systems”, IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 49862-49872, May 2022.
- Abha Saxena, Nikhil Kumar Sharma, S R Samantaray, n Enhanced Differential Protection Scheme for LVDC Microgrid”, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, Vol 10(2), pp. 2114-2125, April 2022.
- S. R. Samantaray , Sarita Nanda and P.K. Dash, Fast and Adaptive Dynamic Phasor Estimation Algorithm Implemented on Field Gate Array (FPGA), IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 69 (2), February pp. 2088 – 2098, February 2022.
- Suman Biswal, Nikhil Kumar Sharma, S R Samantaray, Reliability-Based Cost Optimization in Power Distribution Systems Incorporating Distributed Generations and Capacitors, Electric Power Components and Systems (Accepted November 2021).
- Ashis K Pradhan, Hemanta Kumar Sahu, P.R.Sahu, S.R.Samantaray, RIS Assisted Dual-Hop Mixed PLC/RF for Smart Grid Applications, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 25 (11), pp. 3523 €“ 3527, November 2021.
- Biswajit Sahoo, S.R.Samantaray and Bhavesh Bhalja, n Effective Zone-3 Supervision of Distance Relay for Enhancing Wide Area Back-up Protection of Transmission System, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 36 (5), pp. 3204 – 3213, October 2021.
- Ashis K Pradhan, P.R.Sahu, S.R.Samantaray, Performance Analysis of Smart Grid Dynamic HAN over Rician Fading Channel, Internet Technology Letters, Wiley (Accepted September 2020).
- Susmita Kar, S R Samantaray, Impact of Microgrid Operation on the Performance of Overcurrent Relay Coordination and Assessment of Differential Relay Coordination, Electric Power Components and Systems (Accepted August 2020).
- Biswajit Sahoo and S.R.Samantaray,System Integrity Protection Scheme for Enhancing Backup Protection of Transmission Lines , IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 15 (3), pp. 4578 €“ 4588, September 2021.
- Nikhil Kumar Sharma and S. R. Samantaray, A Composite Magnitude-Phase Plane of Impedance Difference for Microgrid Protection using Synchrophasor Measurements, IEEE Systems Journal (Accepted June 2020).
- Nikhil Kumar Sharma and S. R. Samantaray, PMU Assisted Integrated Impedance Angle Based Microgrid Protection Scheme, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 35 (1), pp. 183-193, February 2020.
- Nikhil Kumar Sharma and S. R. Samantaray, Assessment of PMU based Wide-Area Angle Criterion for Fault Detection in Microgrid, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol. 13 (19), pp. 4301-4310, August 2019.
- Ashis K Pradhan, P R Sahu, S R Samantaray, Performance of Smart Grid Dynamic HAN with RQAM and GMSK Modulation, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 23(11), pp.1940-1943, November 2019.
- Biswajit Sahoo and S.R.Samantaray, Fast Adaptive Autoreclosing Technique for Series Compensated Transmission Lines, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution,Volume 13, Issue 15, August 2019, p. 3272 €“ 3280, 2019.
- Shalini, S R Samantaray and Ankush Sharma,”Enhancing Performance of Wide-Area Back-Up Protection Scheme using PMU assisted Dynamic State Estimator”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 10(5), pp. 5066-5074, 2019.
- Shalini, S R Samantaray and Ankush Sharma, €˜Supervising Zone-3 Operation of the Distance Relay using Synchronized Phasor Measurements, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol.13 (8), pp.1238-1246, 2019.
- Manoj Kumar Senapati, Chittaranjan Pradhan, S R Samantaray, Paresh K. Nayak, n Improved Power Management Control Strategy for Renewable Energy Based DC Micro-grid with Energy Storage Integration, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol.13 (6), pp.838-849, 2019.
- Rahul K Dubey, M Popov and S.R.Samantaray, Transient Monitoring Function Based Islanding Detection in Power Distribution Network, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol.13 (6), pp.805-813, 2019.
- Rajarshi Dutta and S R Samantaray, ssessment of Impedance based Fault Locator for Micro-grid using Wide-Area Measurements, Renewable Energy Focus, Elsevier Science, Volume 26, Pages 1-10, September 2018.
- Shreyasi Som and S R Samantaray, “An Efficient Protection Scheme for Low Voltage DC Micro-grid”, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol 12(13), pp. 3322-3329, July 2018.
- Ankush Sharma and S R Samantaray, Power System Tracking State Estimator for Smart Grid under Unreliable PMU Data Communication Network, IEEE Sensors Journal, , 18 (5), pp. 2107-2116, March 2018.
- Deepak Kumar, Akansha Singh, Sudhansu Mishra, R C Jha, S.R.Samantaray, coordinated planning framework of electric power distribution system: Intelligent Reconfiguration, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems (Accepted).
- Manas Kumar Jena, B.K Panigrahi, S. R. Samantaray, New Approach to Power System Disturbance Assessment using Wide-Area Post Disturbance Records, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol 14 (3), pp.1253 – 1261, 2018.
- Biswajit Sahoo and S.R.Samantaray, n Enhanced Fault Detection and Location Estimation Method for TCSC Compensated Line connecting wind farm, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Elsevier Science, 96, pp. 432-441, 2018.
- Manas Kumar Jena, B.K Panigrahi, S. R. Samantaray, Online Detection of Tripped Transmission line to Improve Wide Area Situational Awareness (WASA) in Power Transmission System, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Volume: 12, Issue: 2, pp.Pages: 288- 294, February 2018.
- R. Morello, Mukhopadhyay, Z. Liu, D. Slomovitz, S. R. Samantaray, dvances on Sensing Technologies for Smart Cities and Power Grids: A Review, IEEE Sensor Journal, Volume: 17, Issue: 23, pp. 7596 €“ 7610, 2017.
- Manas Kumar Jena, S. R. Samantaray, B.K Panigrahi, New Adaptive Dependability-Security Approach to Enhance Wide Area Back-up Protection of Transmission System, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (Accepted).
- Manas Kumar Jena, S. R. Samantaray, B.K Panigrahi, “Variational Mode Decomposition based Power System Disturbance Assessment to Enhance Wide Area Situational Awareness (WASA) and Post-Mortem Analysis (PMA), IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, , vol. 11(13), pp. 3287-3298, 2017.
- Manas Kumar Jena, S. R. Samantaray, B.K Panigrahi, “A New Decentralized Approach to Wide-Area Back-up Protection of Transmission Lines, IEEE Systems Journal (Accepted).
- S.R.Samantaray, I Kamwa, G. Joos, PMU based Wide-Area Monitoring and Information Sharing between Micro-Grids, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol. 11(5), PP. 1293€“1302, 2017.
- Rahul Dubey, S.R.Samantaray , B.K Panigrahi, and G. V. Venkoparao, “Koopman Analysis Based Wide-Area Back-up Protection and Faulted Line Identification for Series Compensated Power Network, IEEE Systems Journal, (Early Access 2017).
- Sayari Das, Rahul Dubey, B.K Panigrahi and S.R.Samantaray , Secured zone-3 protection during power swing and voltage instability: an on-line approach, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution , Volume 11, Issue 2, , p. 437 – 446, January 2017.
- Rahul Dubey, S.R.Samantaray , B.K Panigrahi , An spatiotemporal information system based wide area protection fault identification scheme, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Elsevier Science, Vol 89 (1), pp. 136-145, July 2017.
- Debi Prasad Mishra, S.R. Samantaray ,Geza Joos, combined Wavelet and Data-mining based Intelligent Protection Scheme for Micro-grid, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Vol. 7 (5), pp.2295-2304, 2016.
- Pankaj D. Achlerkar, S.R. Samantaray , and M. Sabarimalai Manikandan, Variational Mode Decomposition and Decision Tree Based Detection and Classification of Power Quality Disturbances in Grid-Connected Distributed Generation System, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, , (Accepted November 2016).
- Rahul Dubey, S.R. Samantaray , Bijaya Ketan Panigrahi, and Vijendran G. Venkoparao,Koopman Analysis Based Wide-Area Back-Up Protection and Faulted Line Identification for Series-Compensated Power Network, IEEE Systems Journal, (Early Access), October 2016.
- Sayari Das, Rahul Dubey, Bijay Ketan Panigrahi, S.R. Samantaray , Secured zone-3 protection during powerswing and voltage instability: an onlineapproach, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution,(Accepted), October 2016
- Rahul Dubey,S.R. Samantaray , B.K Panigrahi ,and G. V. Venkoparao, Data-mining model based adaptive protection scheme to enhance distance relay performance during power swing, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems , Elsevier Science (Accepted).
- Rahul Dubey, S.R.Samantaray, B.K Panigrahi, and G. V. Venkoparao, Phase-Space Based Symmetrical Fault Detection during Power Swing,IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol. 10 (8), pp. 1947-1956, 2016
- Deepak Kumar, S.R. Samantaray , Implementation of Multi-objective Seeker-Optimization-Algorithm for Optimal Planning of Primary Distribution Systems including DSTATCOM, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Elsevier Science , Volume 77, Pages 439-449, May 2016.
- Ankita Samui, S.R. Samantaray n Active Islanding Detection Scheme for Inverter-based DG with Frequency Dependent ZIP-Exponential Static Load Model, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Elsevier Science,Volume 78, Pages 41-50, June 2016,
- L.N Tripathy, S.R. Samantaray , P.K.Dash, Fast Time-Frequency Transform based Differential relaying schemefor UPFC based Double-Circuit Transmission Line, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Elsevier Science , Volume 77, Pages 404-417, May 2016.
- Manas Kumar Jena,S.R. Samantaray , B.K Panigrahi , New Wide-Area Back-up Protection Scheme for Series-Compensated Transmission System IEEE Systems Journal (Early Access).
- Rahul Dubey, S.R. Samantaray , B.K Panigrahi, “Adaptive Distance Protection Scheme for Shunt-FACTS Compensated line Connecting Wind Farm”, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Volume: 10, Issue (1), pp. 247- 256, January 2016.
- Rahul Dubey, S.R. Samantaray , B.K Panigrahi ,and G. V. Venkoparao , “Extreme Learning Machine Based Adaptive Distance Relaying Scheme for SSSC Based Transmission Lines”, Electric Power Components and Systems , Volume 44, Issue 2,pages 219-232,2016.
- Rahul Dubey, S.R. Samantaray , B.K Panigrahi ,and G. V. Venkoparao, On-line Adaptive and Intelligent Distance Relaying Scheme for Power Network” International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems (IJEEPS), Volume 16, Issue 5, pp. 473-489, August 2015.
- L.N.Tripathy, S.R.Samantaray, P.K.Dash, New Sparse S-Transform for Location of Faults on Transmission Lines Operating with UPFC, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Volume: 9, Issue: 15, pp. 2108 €“ 2116, November 2015.
- Susmita Kar, S.R.Samantaray , Fuzzy Rule-based Approach for Intelligent Protection of Micro-grid, Electric Power Components and Systems , vol. 43, issue 18, pages 2082-2093,2015.
- Rahul Dubey, S.R. Samantaray , B.K Panigrahi, “An Extreme Learning Machine based Fast and Accurate Adaptive Distance Relaying Scheme”, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, , Elsevier Science , Volume 73, pp. 1002-1014, December 2015.
- Manas Kumar Jena, S.R. Samantaray , Data-mining Based Intelligent Differential Relaying for Transmission Lines including UPFC and Wind-Farms IEEE Transactions on Neural Network and Learning Systems ,Volume: 27, Issue: 1, pp. 8- 17, January 2016.
- Deepak Kumar,S.R. Samantaray , I. Kamwa, MOSOA Based Multi-Objective Design of Power Distribution Systems, IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 11(2), pp. 1182-1195, June 2017.
- Deepak Kumar,S.R. Samantaray ,I. Kamwa, Multi-Objective Design of Advanced Power Distribution Networks using Restricted-Population based MOSOA and Fuzzy-Operator,IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution,, Vol. 9, pp.1195 – 1215, August 2015 .
- Manas Kumar Jena, S.R. Samantaray , Intelligent Relaying Scheme for Series-Compensated Double Circuit Lines using Phase Angle of Differential Impedance, , International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Elsevier Science , Volume 70, pp. 17-26, September 2015.
- Manas Kumar Jena, S.R. Samantaray , Synchrophasors assisted IPII based Intelligent Relaying for Transmission lines including UPFC, International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems (IJPEES), Volume 16, Issue 1, Pages 47-57, February 2015.
- S. Manikandan, S.R. Samantaray and Innocent Kamwa, Simultaneous Denoising and Compression of Power SystemDisturbances Using Sparse Representation on Overcomplete Hybrid Dictionaries, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Year: 2015, Volume: 64, issue-1, pp. 27 – 38, August 2015
- Susmita Kar, S.R. Samantaray , M Dadash Zadeh, Data-Mining Model Based Intelligent Differential Micro-Grid Protection Scheme, IEEE Systems Journal, 11(2), pp. 1161-1169, June 2017.
- Rahul Dubey, S.R. Samantaray , B.K Panigrahi, and G. V. Venkoparao, daptive distance relay setting for parallel transmission network connecting wind farms, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Elsevier Science , Volume 65, February 2015, Pages 113-123.
- Manas Kumar Jena,S.R. Samantaray , L.N. Tripathy, DT- Induced Fuzzy Rule-based Differential Relaying for Transmission line including UPFC and Wind-farms, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Year: 2014, Volume: 8, Issue: 12,Pages: 2144 – 2152.
- M S Manikandan, S.R. Samantaray , I. Kamwa, Detection and Classification of Power Quality Disturbances Using Sparse Signal Decomposition on Hybrid Dictionaries, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, vol. 64(1), pp-27-38, January 2015.
- M.K. Jena , S.R. Samantaray , RTDS Implementation of Data-mining based Integrated Impedance Relay for Compensated Lines, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, Volume 25, Issue 7, Pages: 1381-1396, , July 2015.
- Deepak Kumar, S.R. Samantaray , Design of an Advanced Electric Power Distribution Systems Using Seeker Optimization Algorithm, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Elsevier Science, Volume 63, December 2014, pp. 196-217.
- R.K.Dubey, S.R. Samantaray , B.K.Panigrahi, daptive Distance Relaying Scheme for Transmission Network Connecting Wind Farms, Electric Power Components and Systems, Volume 42, Issue 11, August 2014, pages 1181-1193.
- R.K.Dubey, strong>S.R. Samantaray , B.K.Panigrahy, Simultaneous Impact of Unified Power Flow Controller and off-shore Wind penetration on Distance Relay Characteristics, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Volume: 8 , Issue: 11, November 2014 ,pp. 1869 – 1880
- L.N.Tripathy, M.K. Jena , S.R. Samantaray , Differential Relaying Scheme for TappedTransmission line connecting UPFC and Wind farm, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Elsevier Science, Vol. 60 , pp. 245-257, 2014.
- Deepak Kumar, S.R. Samantaray , I. Kamwa, “Radial Path Building Algorithm for Optimal Feeder Planning of Primary Distribution Networks Considering Reliability Assessment”, Electric Power Components and Systems,Vol. 42(8), pp. 861-877, 2014.
- Deepak Kumar, S.R. Samantaray , G. Joos, “A Reliability Assessment based Graph Theoretical Approach for Feeder Routing in Power Distribution Networks including Distributed Generations”, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Elsevier Science,Volume 57, Pages 11-30, May 2014.
- S.R. Samantaray “Smart-Grid initiatives in India”,Electric Power Components and Systems, volume 42(3), pp. 262-266, March 2014.
- L.N.Tripathy,P.K.Dash,S.R. Samantaray “A New Cross-Differential Protection scheme for Parallel Transmission Lines including UPFC”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 29(4), pp. 1822-1830, October 2014.
- Susmita Kar, S.R. Samantaray , ” Data-Mining based Intelligent Anti- Islanding Protection Relay for Distributed Generations , IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol. 8(4), pp.629-639, April 2014.
- Deepak Kumar, S.R. Samantaray , I. Kamwa, N.C. Sahoo, “Reliability- Constrained Based Optimal placement and sizing of Multiple Distributed Generators in Power Distribution Network Using Cat- Swarm-Optimization”, Electric Power Components and Systems, volume 42 (2), pp. 149-164, February 2014.
- Susmita Kar, S.R. Samantaray , “Time-Frequency Transform based differential Scheme for Microgrid Protection, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Volume 8, Issue 2, pp 310-320, February 2014.
- Kamwa, S.R. Samantaray , G. Joos, Dynamic Performances of Wide Frequency Range Adaptive Phasor and Frequency PMU Algorithms , IEEE Transactions on Smartgrid, vol. 5(2), pp. 569 – 579, March 2014.
- Kamwa, S.R. Samantaray , G. Joos, Optimal Integration of Disparate C37.118 PMUs in Wide-Area PSS with Electromagnetic Transients , IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.28, issue-4, pp-4760-4770, October 2013.
- R.K. Dubey, S.R. Samantaray , Wavelet Singular Entropy based Symmetrical Fault Detection and Out-of-Step protection during Power Swing , IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol. 7(10), pp. 1123 – 1134, July 2013.
- Ankita Samui, S.R. Samantaray , A New Active Islanding Detection Scheme For Constant Power and Constant Current Controlled Inverter-Based DG, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Vol. 7, issue-7, pp.pp. 779-789, July 2013.
- S.R. Samantaray , Data Mining model for Protection of FACTs based Transmission line, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol. 28(2),pp. 612- 618, April 2013.
- I.Kamwa, S.R. Samantaray , G. Joos, Compliance Analysis of PMU Algorithms and Devices for Wide-Area Stabilizing Control of Large Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 28 (2), pp. 1766-1778, May 2013.
- Ankita Samui, S.R. Samantaray , Wavelet Singular Entropy based Islanding Detection in Distributed Generation, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol.18, no.-1, pp. 411-418, January 2013.
- S.R. Samantaray , Fast S-Transform based Distance Relaying in Transmission line, Electric Power System Research, Elsevier Science, vol.95, pp. 268-274, February 2013.
- S.R. Samantaray , systematic Fuzzy Rule Based approach for Fault Classification in Transmission Lines, Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier Science, , vol.13, issue-2, pp.928-938, February 2013.
- Sarita Nanda and S R Samantaray, “Methods and Systems for Computationally Efficient Dynamic Phasor Estimator”, Application no. 202131034414; dated 30:07:2021 (Indian patent filed and published).
Book Chapter
- Nikhil Kumar Sharma and S R Samantaray, “Issues and challenges in Microgrid Protection”, Microgrid Cyber-Physical Systems, Elsevier Science (accepted), February 2022.
- I. Kamwa, Louis Geoffroy, S.R.Samantaray, Amit Jain, “Synchrophasors Data Analytics for Power Grid Control and Dynamic Security Monitoring, IET-Engineering & Technology Reference, 2016.
- S. R. Samantaray, Innocent Kamwa, Geza Joos, “PMU based Wide-Area Security Assessment”, IET-Synchronized Phasor Measurements for Smart Grid, 2016.
- S. R. Samantaray, P. K. Dash, , G. Panda, “Power System Protection Using Machine Learning Technique”, Computational Intelligence in Power Engineering, Volume 302, Springer Verlag, pp. 171-198, 2010.
- S. R. Samantaray, P. K. Dash, G. Panda, B.K Panigrahi, “Distance Protection of Compensated Transmission Line Using Computational Intelligence”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3801/2005, pp.163-169, June 2006.
Research Collaboration
- McGill University, Canada
- IREQ, Hydro Quebec, Canada
- IIT Delhi, India
- Cleopa GmbH, Germany
- AALTO University, Finland
- IIT Kanpur
- IIT Roorkee
- Texas A & M University, USA
- Washington State University, USA
- Virginia Tech, USA
- Sarita Nanda and S R Samantaray, “Methods and Systems for Computationally Efficient Dynamic Phasor Estimator”, Application no. 202131034414; dated 30:07:2021 (Indian patent filed and published).
Power System protection;
Power System Analysis and Operation,;
Electrical Machines and Power System;
Electrical Technology;
Advanced Power System;
Power System Dynamics and Control;
Power System Lab-1 (PG);
Power System Lab-2 (PG),
Power System Lab (UG);
Electrical Machines and Power System Lab (UG);
Electrical Technology Lab (UG).
- Elected as Fellow, Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE)-2022
- Odisha Power Transmission Corporation Ltd (OPTCL) Chair Professor-2022
- SERB Science and Technology Award for Research ( SERB-STAR) Award-2021.
- Director’s Commendation for Outstanding Research-2021
- Fellow, IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology), UK-2020
- IEEE PES Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award -2020
- PACE Fellowship, National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL), USA- 2019
- Outstanding Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems-2017
- IEEE India Council Outstanding Volunteer Award – 2017
- Exceptional Reviewer,IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery-2015 and 2017
- NASI-SCOPUS Young Scientists Awards-2015
- Member, National Academy of Sciences, India (MNASc)-2015
- Clayton Griffin Best Paper Award, PRC, Georgia Tech, USA-2015
- Excellence in Reviewing Award, Elsevier Science -2013
- IEEE PES Technical Committee Prize Paper Award -2012
- Samanta Chandra Sekhar Award, Odisha Bigyana Acadmey, Dept. of Science and Technology, Govt. of Odisha -2010
- Senior Member IEEE, USA -2010
- Young Engineers Award-IEI (Institute of Engineers, India)-2009
- Innovative Doctoral Thesis Award-Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) -2008
- Young Scientists Award, Odisha Bigyana Acadmey, Dept. of Science and Technology, Govt. of Odisha) -2007
Other Recognitions
- Listed in Research.com 2023 for the field of Electronics and Electrical Engineering (India Rank-22, World Rank- 2979)
- Listed within Top 2 % scientists worldwide in the field of ‘Energy‘ by Stanford University, USA survey 2022 (Global Rank in Energy: 627 (Total entry 3,21,394))
- Listed within Top 2 % scientists worldwide in the field of ‘Energy‘ by Stanford University, USA survey 2021 (Global Ran in Energy: 663 (Total entry 2,29,150))
- Listed within Top 2 % scientists worldwide in the filed of ‘Energy‘ by Stanford University, USA survey 2020 (Global Rank: Energy 886)
- Listed within Top 2 % scientists worldwide in the filed of ‘Energy‘ by Stanford University, USA survey 2019 (Global Rank: 19016)
- Listed wihin Top 1000 scientists in the filed of Electronics and Electrical Engineering by Research.Com 2022 (India Rank 29 and World Rank 3285).
Editorial Board Member
- IEEE Task Force on Big-Data Analytics for Synchro-Waveform Measurements (Aug 2023-Till date)
- Associate Editor, IEEE Systems Journal (August 2019- Till date)
- Editor, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (October 2016- May 2021)
- Editor, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery (February 2018 – August 2019)
- Guest Editor-in-Chief– IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution special issue on “Intelligent Protection and Control of Microgrids with Energy Storage Integration” (September 2017- January 2019)”
- Guest Editor- IEEE Sensor Journal Special Issue on “Smart Sensors for Smart Grids and Smart Cities” (September 2016-December 2017).
- Guest Editor- Special Issue, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution on “Sensors and Data Analytics for Smart Grid infrastructure“ (Jan 2014-till Jan 2015)
- Associate Editor- IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution (June 2015-January 2020).
- Editor- IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution (2012-2015).
- Working Group Member, IEEE Power Systems Stability Sub-Committee (2012-till now).
- Associate Editor- IEEE Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2013-2018).
- Editor- Electric Power Components & Systems, Taylor & Francis (2014-2017).