Prof. Rajesh Roshan Dash
Dean – Student Affairs
- SIF-123
- 674-713-6628 (O)
- rrdash@iitbbs.ac.in
- School of Infrastructure
Degree | Discipline | Year | School |
Ph.D. | Civil Engineering (Environmental Engineering) | 2008 | Indian Institute Of Technology Roorkee |
M.E. | Environmental Engineering (Civil Engineering) | 2001 | Motilal Nehru Regional Engineering College (MNNIT) Allahabad |
B.E. | Civil Engineering | 1998 | Utkal University Bhubaneswar |
Research Group
Courses Taught
- K Samal, RR Dash. Modelling of pollutants removal in Integrated Vermifilter (IVmF) using response surface methodology Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 2021, 100060. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clet.2021.100060
- C Mallikarjuna, RR Dash. A review on hydrodynamic parameters and biofilm characteristics of inverse fluidized bed bioreactors for treating industrial wastewater, 2020, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 104233. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2020.104233
- M Satapathy, PR Rout, RR Dash, AK Dash. Removal of Textile Dyes from Aqueous Solutions by Dolochar: Equilibrium, Kinetic, and Thermodynamic Studies. Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, 2020, 24 (3), 04020015.
- S Shami, RR Dash, AK Verma, AK Dash, A Pradhan. Adsorptive removal of surfactant using dolochar: A kinetic and statistical modeling approach. Water Environment Research, 2020, 92 (2), 222-235
- S Shami, RR Dash, AK Verma, AK Dash, A Pradhan. Mechanistic Modeling and Process Design for Removal of Anionic Surfactant Using Dolochar. Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, 2020, 24 (3), 04020008.
- R Singh, K Samal, P Bhunia, RR Dash. Incorporation of Earthworms and Dolochar in Biofilter: An Attempt Towards Maximizing Nutrients Removal. Recent Developments in Waste Management, 2020, 409-415.
- K Samal, R Singh, RR Dash, P Bhunia. Investigation on the Effect of Planting Canna Indica in Two-Stage Vermifilter for Synthetic Dairy Wastewater Treatment. Recent Developments in Waste Management, 2020, 289-297.
- PR Rout, RR Dash, P Bhunia. Insight into a Waste Material-Based Bioreactor for Nutrient Removal from Domestic Wastewater. Recent Developments in Waste Management, 2020, 397-407.
- R Singh, K Samal, RR Dash, P Bhunia. Vermifiltration as a sustainable natural treatment technology for the treatment and reuse of wastewater: a review. Journal of environmental management, 2019, 247, 140-151
- PR Rout, RR Dash, P Bhunia. Nutrient removal from binary aqueous phase by dolochar: Highlighting optimization, single and binary adsorption isotherms and nutrient release. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2016, 100, 91–107.
- AK Verma, P Bhunia, RR Dash. Carbonaceous organics removal kinetics in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor treating physico-chemically pre-treated textile wastewater. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2015, 54 (6), 1577-1588.
- AK Verma, P Bhunia, RR Dash, RD Tyagi, RY Surampalli, TC Zhang. Effects of physicoâ€chemical preâ€treatment on the performance of an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor treating textile wastewater: application of full factorial central composite design. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 2015, 93 (5), 808-818
- PR Rout, P Bhunia, RR Dash. A mechanistic approach to evaluate the effectiveness of red soil as a natural adsorbent for phosphate removal from wastewater. Desalination and Water Treatment 2015, 54 (2), 358-373
- AK Verma, P Bhunia, RR Dash. Performance of UASB reactor treating synthetic textile wastewater: effect of physicochemical pretreatment. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2015, 1-11, DOI:10.1080/19443994.2015.1017739.
- PR Rout, P Bhunia, RR Dash. Effective utilization of a sponge iron industry by-product for phosphate removal from aqueous solution: A statistical and kinetic modelling approach. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2015, 46, 98-108
- PR Rout, P Bhunia, RR Dash. Modeling isotherms, kinetics and understanding the mechanism of phosphate adsorption onto a solid waste: Ground burnt patties. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2014, 2 (3), 1331-1342
- AK Verma, P Bhunia, RR Dash. Applicability of a new pre-hydrated industrial grade polyaluminium salt for the decolourisation of textile wastewater. Desalination and Water Treatment 2014, 52 (22-24), 4553-4561
- RR Dash, RR Dash, C Balomajumdar. Treatment of cyanide bearing effluents by adsorption, biodegradation and combined processes: effect of process parameters. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2014, 52 (16-18), 3355-3366
- PR Rout, RR Dash, P Bhunia. Modelling and packed bed column studies on adsorptive removal of phosphate from aqueous solutions by a mixture of ground burnt patties and red soil Advances in Environmental Research, 2014, 3 (3), 231-251
Research Group
National Doctoral Fellowship
Courses Taught
Solid Waste Management;
Air Pollution Control;
Environmental Pollution Management;
Engineering Drawing and Graphics;
Advanced Environmental Engineering;
Water and Wastewater Engineering and Lab.;
Advanced Environmental Engineering Lab.;
Environmental Management;
Advanced Water and Wastewater Treatment;
Surveying and Surveying Practice;
Civil Engineering Drawing and Estimation;
- Associate Professor (Civil Engineering): July 2018 to Continuing School of Infrastructure, IIT Bhubaneswar
- Assistant Professor (Civil Engineering): February 2010 to July 2018 School of Infrastructure, IIT Bhubaneswar
- Assistant Professor (Civil Engineering): June 2009 to February 2010 Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Hamirpur (HP)
- Lecturer (Civil Engineering): December 2007 to June 2009 Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Hamirpur (HP)
- Lecturer (Civil Engineering): July 2001 to July 2003 Department of Civil Engineering, Odisha Engineering College, Bhubaneswar
- Lecturer (Civil Engineering) (Adhoc): January 2001 to June 2001 Department of Civil Engineering, MN NIT, Allahabad (UP)