Prof. Manas Mohan Mahapatra
Head of School, School of Mechanical Sciences
- +91 674 713-7116
- mmmahapatra@iitbbs.ac.in
- School of Mechanical Sciences
- Education
- Publications
- Research
- Projects
- Teaching
- Awards
Degree | Discipline | Year | School |
PhD | Mechanical Engg. | 2008 | Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur |
Recent Publications (International Journals)
- Three-dimensional finite element analysis to predict the effects of SMAW process parameters on temperature distributions and weldment zones in butt and one-sided fillet welds, (2006), M. M. Mahapatra, G. L. Datta, B. Pradhan, Proc. Instn. Mech Engrs, Part B: J. of Engineering Manufacture, 220, 837-845.
- Three- dimensional finite element analysis to predict the effects of SAW process parameters on temperatures and angular distortions in single pass butt joints with top and bottom reinforcements, (2006), M. M. Mahapatra, G. L. Datta, B. Pradhan, N. R. Mandal, Int. J. of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 83,721-729.
- Modeling the effects of constraints and SAW process parameters on angular distortions in one-sided fillet welds, (2007), M. M. Mahapatra, G. L. Datta, B. Pradhan, N. R. Mandal, Proc. Instn. Mech Engrs, Part B: J. of Engineering Manufacture, 221, 397-407.
- Modelling of angular distortion of double-pass butt-welded plate, (2008), M. M. Mahapatra, G. L. Datta, B. Pradhan, N. R. Mandal, Proc. Instn. Mech Engrs, Part B: J. of Engineering Manufacture,222, 391-401.
- Corrosion resistance of pulsed laser-treated Ti-6Al-4V implant in simulated biofluids,(2008), N. Zaveri, M. M. Mahapatra, A. Deceuster, Y. Peng, L. Li, A. Zhou, Electrochimica Acta, 53, 5022-5032
- Prediction of pulsed-laser powder deposits shape profiles using back propagation artificial neural network, (2008), M. M. Mahapatra, L. Li, Proc. Instn. Mech Engrs, Part B: J. of Engineering Manufacture,222, 1567-1576.
- Numerical and experimental study on prediction of thermal history and residual deformation and stresses of double sided fillet welding, (2010), P. Biswas, M. M. Mahapatra, N. R. Mandal, Proc. Instn. Mech Engrs, Part B: J. of Engineering Manufacture, 224(1), 125-134.
- Thermo-mechanical and experimental analysis of double pass line heating, (2011), P. Biswas, N. R. Mandal, O. P. Sha, M. M. Mahapatra, J. of Marine Science and Application,10, 190-198.
- Modeling and optimizing the effects of process parameters on galvanized steel sheet resistance spot welds, (2011), L. Boriwal, M. M. Mahapatra, P. Biswas, Proc. Instn. Mech Engrs, Part B: J. of Engineering Manufacture, 226, 664-674.
- Prediction of the weld pool geometry of TIG arc welding by using fuzzy logic controller, (2011), H. K. Narang, U. P. Singh, M. M. Mahapatra, P. K. Jha, Int. J. Engineering Science and Technology, 3(9),77-85.
- A study on fluidity and hot-tearing of A206, A518 and A713 cast alloys, A. K Birru, (2011), M. M. Mahapatra, D. B. Karunakar, and P. Kumar, Indian Foundry Journal, 57 (1), 38-45.
- A Study on hot tearing susceptibility of Al-Cu, Al-Mg, and Al-Zn alloys, (2012), A. K. Birru, D. B. Karunakar, M. M. Mahapatra, Trans. Indian Institute of Metals, 265(1), 97-105.
- Fluidity of A713 cast alloy with and without scrap addition using double spiral fluidity test: a comparison, (2012), A. K. Birru, D. B. Karunakar, M. M. Mahapatra, Int. J. Mech. and Aerospace Engineering, 6, 92-96.
- Fuzzy logic based prediction of saw weldment shape profiles,(2012), H. K. Narang, M. M. Mahapatra, P. K Jha, P. Biswas, J. of Marine Science and Application, 11, 387-391.
- Modelling and predicting the effects of submerged arc weldment process parameters on weldment characteristics and shape profiles, (2012), H. K. Narang, M. M. Mahapatra, P. K. Jha, I. Mukherjee, Proc. Instn. Mech Engrs, Part B: J. of Engineering Manufacture, 226 (7),1230-1240.
- Prediction and optimization of TIG weldment macrostructure zones using response surface methodology, (2012), H. K. Narang, U. P. Singh, M. M. Mahapatra, P. K. Jha, J. of Manufacturing Science and Production, 12(3-4), 171-180.
- Effect of tool shoulder and pin probe profiles on friction stirred aluminum welds – A comparative study, (2012), H. K. Mohanty, M. M. Mahapatra, P. Kumar, P. Biswas, N. R. Mandal, J. of Marine Science and Application, 11, 200-207.
- Study on the effect of tool profiles on temperature distribution and material flow characteristics in friction stir welding, (2012), H. K. Mohanty, M. M. Mahapatra, P. Kumar, P. Biswas, N. R. Mandal, Proc. Instn. Mech Engrs, Part B: J. of Engineering Manufacture, 226(9), 1527-1535.
- Modeling the effects of tool probe geometries and process parameters on friction stirred aluminium welds, (2012), H. K. Mohanty, D. Venkateswarlu, M. M. Mahapatra, P. Kumar, N. R. Mandal, J. Mech. Engineering and Automation, 2(4),74-79.
- Modeling the effects of tool shoulder and probe profile geometries on friction stirred aluminum welds using response surface methodology,(2012), H. K. Mohanty, M. M. Mahapatra, P. Kumar, P. Biswas, N. R. Mandal, J. of Marine Science and Application, 11, 493-503.
- Fabrication and characterizations of mechanical properties of Al-4.5%Cu/10TiC composite by in-situ method, (2012), A. Kumar, M. M. Mahapatra, P. K. Jha, J. of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, 11, 1075-1080.
- The key attributes of synthesizing ceramic particulate reinforced Al based matrix composites through stir casting process, a review,(2013), S.Y. Belete, P. K. Jha, M. M. Mahapatra, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 28(9), 969-979.
- Influence of reinforcement type on microstructure, hardness, and tensile properties of an aluminum alloy metal matrix composite, (2013), S. Y. Belete, M. M. Mahapatra, P. K. Jha, J. of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, 1(4), 124-130.
- A study on friction stir welding of 12mm thick aluminum alloy plates,(2013), A. K. Deepati, P. Biswas, S. Tikader, M. M. Mahapatra, N. R. Mandal, J. of Marine Science and Application, 12, 493-499.
- Effect of sliding distance, applied load, and weight percentage of reinforcement on the abrasive wear properties of in situ synthesized Al-12%Si/TiC composites,(2013) S. Y. Belete, P. K. Jha, M. M. Mahapatra, Tribology Transactions, 56(4), 546-554.
- Experimental study and modeling of friction stir welding process to produce optimized AA2219 butt welds for aerospace application,(2013) S. Balaji, M. M. Mahapatra, Proc. Instn. Mech Engrs, Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture,227(1), 132-143.
- Predicting the effects of tool geometries on friction stirred aluminum welds using artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic techniques, (2013), H.K Mohanty, M. M Mahapatra, P. Kumar, P. Biswas, and N. R. Mandal, Int. J. of Manufacturing Research, 8(3), 296-312.
- On modeling the abrasive wear characteristics of in situ Al-12%Si/TiC composites,(2013), S. Y Belete, M. M. Mahapatra, P. K. Jha, Materials & Design, 50, 277-284.
- Tool designs effects for FSW of AA7039,(2013), D. Venkateswarlu, N. R. Mandal, M. M. Mahapatra, S. P. Harsha, Welding Journal, 92, 41s-47s.
- Modelling the abrasive wear characteristics of in-situ synthesized Al-4.5%Cu/TiC composites,(2013), A. Kumar, M. M. Mahapatra, P. K. Jha, Wear, 306, 170-178.
- On friction stir butt welding of Al+12Si/10wt%TiC in-situ composite,( 2014), S. Y. Belete, M. M. Mahapatra, P. K. Jha, N. R. Mandal, Materials & Design, 54,1019-1027.
- Effect of machining parameters on cutting force and surface roughness of in-situ Al-4.5%Cu/TiC metal matrix composites,(2014), A. Kumar, M. M. Mahapatra, P. K. Jha, Measurement, 48, 325-332.
- Abrasive wear behavior of in situ TiC reinforced with Al-4.5%Cu matrix,(2014), A. Kumar, P. K. Jha, M. M. Mahapatra, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 23,743-752.
- Optimization and prediction of angular distortion and weldment characteristics of TIG square butt joints, (2014), H. K. Narang, M. M Mahapatra, PK Jha, P Biswas, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 23,1750-1758.
- Influence of tool geometries and process variables on friction stir butt welding of Al-4.5%Cu/TiC in-Situ metal matrix composites, (2014), A Kumar, M. M Mahapatra, P. K. Jha, NR Mandal, D Venkateswarlu, Materials & Design, 59, 406-414.
- Deposition of nanocrystalline coatings by modified LVOF thermal spray method,(2014), N Rana, M. M. Mahapatra, R. Jayaganthan, S. Prakash, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 615, 779-783.
- On the estimation of error in measuring the residual stress by strain gauge rosette, (2014), A. Giri, C. Pandey, M. M. Mahapatra, K. Sharma, and P. K. Singh, Measurement, doi: http:// dx. doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2014.12.047.
- High-temperature oxidation and hot corrosion studies on NiCrAlY coatings deposited by flame-spray technique, (2015), N. Rana, M. M. Mahapatra, R. Jayaganthan, S. Prakash, Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s11666-015-0237-z.
- Processing and optimization of dissimilar friction stir welding of AA 2219 and AA 7039 alloys,(2015), D. Venkateswarlu, P. Nageswara Rao, M. M. Mahapatra, S. P. Harsha, and N. R. Mandal, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, DOI: 10.1007/s11665-015-1779-4.
- Effect of heat Treatment on microstructure and hot impact toughness of P91 welded pipes, (2016), C. Pandey and M. M. Mahapatra, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 25(6), 2195-2210.
- Effect of groove design and post-weld heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of P91 steel weld, (2016), C. Pandey and M. M. Mahapatra, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, doi: DOI: 10.1007/s11665-016-2127-z.
- Evolution of phases in P91 steel in various heat treatment condition and their effect on microstructure stability and mechanical properties, (2016), C. Pandey, A. Giri, M. M. Mahapatra, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2016, 664, 58-74.
- Effect of long term ageing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of creep strength enhanced ferritic P91 steel, (2016), C. Pandey, A. Giri, M. M. Mahapatra,, Trans. of Indian Institute of Metals, DOI 10.1007/s12666-015-0826-z.
- Effect of normalizing temperature on microstructural stability and mechanical properties of creep strength enhanced ferritic P91 steel, (2016), C. Pandey, A. Giri, M. M. Mahapatra, Materials Science & Engineering A, 657, 173-184.
- On the prediction of effect of direction of welding on bead geometry and residual deformation of double-sided fillet welds,(2016), C. Pandey, A. Giri, M. M. Mahapatra, International Journal of Steel Structures, 16(2), 1-13.
- Evolution of phases during tempering of P91 steel at 760 oC for varying tempering time and their effect on microstructure and mechanical properties (2016), C. Pandey and M. M. Mahapatra, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering (Accepted for publication).
Conferences (International)
- Modeling of Pulsed-Laser Superalloy Powder Deposition Using Moving Distributed Heat Source, M. M. Mahapatra, L. Li, TMS 2012, March 11-16. 2012, Orlando, FL.
- An Experimental and numerical investigation on thermal distortions in thin structural steel plates under pulsed laser, M. M. Mahapatra, L. Li, Joining of Advanced Materials IX, MS&T’07, September 2007, Detroit, MI.
- Experimental and analytical studies on residual stresses and distortions in fillet welded Joints, M. M. Mahapatra, G. L. Datta, B Pradhan, 3rd International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing Technology (ICAMT), May 2004, Kualampur.
Conferences (National)
- Influence of machining parameters on Al-4.5Cu-Tic in-situ metal matrix composites, A. Kumar, M. M. Mahapatra, P. K Jha, TMS 2013, Light Metals, 2013 449-452.
- On friction stir welding of Mg-Zn-RE-Rr alloy using threaded tools for aerospace application, S. P. Madavan, M. M. Mahapatra, P. Kumar, TMS 2013, Friction Stir Welding and Processing VII, 2013, DOI: 10.1002/9781118658345.
- Finite Element Analysis of weld induced residual stress of double sided fillet welded joint, A. K. Mondal, R. Ranjan, P. Biswas, S. Bag, and M. M. Mahapatra, 21st International Symposium on Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials (PFAM-21), December 10-13. 2012, IIT Guwahati.
- Mechanical Property and Abrasive Wear Characteristics of In-Situ Synthesized Al+12Si/10TiC Composites, S. Y. Belete, M. M. Mahapatra, P. K Jha, TMS 2013 Supplemental Proceedings, Part XX: Recent Developments in the Processing, Characterization, Properties, Performance and Applications of Metal Matrix Composites, 2013, 1053-1060.
- Comparison of tensile properties and microstructural behavior of tungsten inert gas welded and friction stir welded aluminium alloy AA2219 T-87, S. Balaji, M. M. Mahapatra, G. L. Datta, National weld Meet, Indian Institute of Welding, June 9. 2012, Visakhapatnam.
- Modeling the effects of tool geometries on the temperature distributions and material flow of friction stir aluminum welds, H. K. Mohanty, M. M. Mahapatra, P, Kumar, P. K. Jha, CFD Modeling and Simulation in Materials, TMS 2012, March 11-16. 2012, Orlando, FL.
- Prediction of SAW Weldment Shape Profiles for Optimizing Residual Stress and Deformation, H. K. Narang, B. Jatave, K. Sharma, P. K. Singh, M. M. Mahapatra, SMiRT 21, November 6-11. 2011, New Delhi.
- Predicting the Optimized Deformation of SAW square butt joints, H. K. Narang, B. Jatave, K. Sharma, P. K. Singh, M. M. Mahapatra, SMiRT 21, November 6-11. 2011, New Delhi.
- Pulsed Laser Repair of GTD-111 Directionally Solidified Alloy, A. Deceuster, Y. Zhang, M. M. Mahapatra, L. Li, 8th International Trends in Welding Research, June 1-6. 2008, Pine Mountain, GA.
- Modeling the effects of penetration depth and weld reinforcements on the angular distortions of single pass SAW butt joints by three-dimensional finite element analysis, M. M. Mahapatra, G. L. Datta, B Pradhan, 51th Congress of ISTAM, December 2006, Visakhapatanam.
- Modeling the angular distortions of single and double pass SAW butt joints by three-dimensional finite element analysis, M. M. Mahapatra, G. L. Datta, B. Pradhan, 50th Congress of ISTAM, December 2005, IIT Kharagpur.
- Investigations on residual stresses and distortions in fillet and pipe welded joints by experimental and finite element methods, M. M. Mahapatra, G. L. Datta, B. Pradhan, IIW, International Congress, February 2005, Mumbai.
- A fracture mechanics approach of fatigue life assessment of butt welded joint with cracks, M. M. Mahapatra, A. K. Rout, G. L. Datta, B. Pradhan, 49th Congress of ISTAM, NIT, December 2004, Rourkela.
- Thermo-mechanical analysis of SMAW joints for predicting residual stresses and distortions, M. M. Mahapatra, G. L. Datta, B. Pradhan, National Seminar on Advances in Mechanics of Solids with Special Emphasis on Fracture Mechanics, University of Calcutta, March 2004, Kolkata.
- Effects of process parameters on residual stresses and distortions in SMAW joints, M. M. Mahapatra, G. L. Datta, B. Pradhan. Welding Conference (Weld 2003), March 2004, Kolkata,.
- Analyzing temperature distribution residual stresses and distortion in fillet welded joints by using FEM, M. M. Mahapatra, G. L. Datta, B. Pradhan, 48th Congress of ISTAM, December 2003, BIT Mesra, Ranchi.
Welding Residual Stress & Distortion control, Friction Stir Welding Tool Design, Friction Stir Processing and Friction Cladding, Thermal Spray and Laser Coating for Wear and High Temperature Applications, In-situ Metal Matrix Composites and their Manufacturability.
M. Tech guided
- Modeling the effect of TIG arc process parameters on arc welds, (Uday P Singh, 2011).
- Modeling the distortion of single pass double side SAW square butt joints, (Bante Jatave, 2011).
- Finite element method and artificial intelligence based modeling of mixed-mode crack propagation in thin structural steel sheets, (Dharmendra Jain, 2011), Jointly supervised with Prof. S. C. Sharma.
- Modeling of TIG welding heat source based steel plate line heating,( Yuvraj B Kadam,2011), Jointly supervised with Prof. Pradeep Kumar.
- Modeling & optimization of resistance spot welding of galvanized steel sheets, (Lokesh K Boriwal, 2011), Jointly supervised with Dr. D. B. Karunakar.
- Modeling the effect of tool geometry on friction stir aluminum welds, (G. Vinay Kumar, 2011).
- Numerical modelling of residual deformation in double sided fillet and pipe butt welds, (Chandan Pandey, 2012).
- Optimization of process parameters and investigation on microstructural features and fracture surface of friction stir welded aluminium alloy AA2219, (S. Balaji,2012), Jointly supervised with Shri Ajay Agrawal
- Minimizing the residual shrinkages and stresses of thick pipe welds using narrow gap welding, (Rohit Mishra,2012), Jointly supervised with Prof. P. K. Ghosh.2012), Jointly supervised with Prof. P. K. Ghosh.
- Predicting the temperature distribution and related properties of friction stir welds, (Amit Singh,2012), Jointly supervised with Dr. J. Madaan.
- Modeling of TIG based powder cladding characteristics, (R. Ashwin, 2012), Jointly supervised with Prof. R. Jayaganthan.
- Modeling and process parameter optimization for thin metal sheet joining by TIG welding, (Anoj Giri, 2012), Jointly supervised with Dr. J. Madaan.
- Modelling of blown powder cladding of nickel based powder using different heat source, (Deepak Sharma,2013).
- Modelling of residual stresses in pipe welds,( Brajesh Asati,2013), Jointly supervised with Prof. Pradeep Kumar.
- Modelling of tool geometry effects and process parameters on friction stir welding of aluminium alloys, (Rahul P Singh,2013), Jointly supervised with Dr. A. K. Dvivedi.
- Friction stir welding and repairing of magnesium cast alloy, (S. P. Madavan,2013), Jointly supervised with Prof. Pradeep Kumar.
- Minimizing the transverse shrinkage and shrinkage stresses in austenitic stainless steel multipass thick pipe welds, (Sudhir Kumar,2013), Jointly supervised with Prof. P. K. Ghosh.
- Mathematical modelling of friction stir welding of magnesium alloy with respect to tool design and process parameter development,( Akansha Yadav,2014), Jointly supervised with Dr. P. K. Jha.
- Tool development and process optimization of FSW process to join high strength alloy, (Amandeep Singh,2014 Jointly supervised with Prof. Pradeep Kumar.
- Study on effect of process variables on distributed compositional characteristics in metallurgically and mechanically bonded claddings, (Ravi Yadav, 2014), Jointly supervised with Prof. R. Jayaganthan.
- Arc welding of high strength steel to reduce shrinkage and residual stresses for high temperature application, (Pradeeptta K Taraphdar, 2014), Jointly supervised with Prof. P. K. Ghosh.
- Abrasive and adhesive wear characteristics of aluminium based metal matrix composite, (Jagannath Mahapatra, 2015), Jointly supervised with Prof. S. C. Sharma.
- Distortion prediction technique in arc welds by using inherent strain methods, (Archisman Vishvesha,2015), Jointly supervised with Dr. R. S. Mulik
- Fabrication ad characterization of a nano MMC friction on stir processing, (Deepan M, 2015), Jointly supervised with Dr. R. S. Mulik.
- Comparative studies of dry ring-core and hole based residual stress determination of butt welds, (Abhilash Kumar Balla,2015), Jointly supervised with Prof. P. K. Ghosh.
- Control of hydrogen assisted cracking in high strength steel welds, (Uma Kant, 2015), Jointly supervised with Dr. A. K. Dvivedi.
- FSW and FSP for grain refinement and enhanced properties, (Pohor Debbarma, 2015), Jointly supervised with Prof. R. Jayaganthan.
- Determination of through thickness residual stress in thick butt joint, (Ashok Sahoo, 2016), Jointly supervised with Dr. Kamal Sharma.
- Study on pattern of residual stresses in arc and friction stir welded steel butt joints, (Prashant Kumar Chaurasia, 2016).
- Study on surface composite preparation by Friction Stir Processing (FSP), (Samrat Sagar, 2016), Jointly supervised with Prof. R. Jayaganthan.
- Study on weight optimization of welded armor structures, (Vineet Ranjan, 2016), Jointly supervised with Dr. Mohd. Ashraf Iqbal.
Ph.D. Guided
- Experimental and finite element modeling of arc weldment profiles and angular distortions ( H. K. Narang).
- Some modeling approaches on the effects of tool geometries on friction stir welds (Hrusikesh Mohanty).
- Some studies fluidity and hot tearing of aluminium cast alloys (Anil Virru).
- Some studies on wear, machinability and weldability of Al-12Si/10%TiC in-situ composites (Belete Sirabiju Yigelu).
- Some studies on wear, machniability and weldability of Al-4.5%Cu/TiC in-situ composites (Anand Kumar).
- Experimental and numerical modeling of tool design effects on FSW of Al- Zn and Al-Cu alloys (Venkatesawarlu Devuri).Jointly with Dr. P. K. Jha, Jointly with Prof. Pradeep Kumar, 3Jointly with Dr. D. B. Karunakar, 4Jointly with S. P. Harsha & Prof. N. R. Mandal
Sponsored Projects
- Residual stress and distortion control simulation of welded structures, SRIC IIT Roorkee, 2009-2012, Completed.
- Development of friction stir welding process, DSIR (TePP), 2009-2012, Completed.
- Prediction and optimization of distortion and residual stresses in austenitic stainless steel pipe welds, BRNS, Lakh, 2011-2013, Completed.
- Investigation on Quantification and Prevention of High Residual Stresses and Hydrogen Assisted Cracking in Creep Strength Enhanced Ferritic Steel Welds for Low Pollution Ultra Supercritical Power Plant Applications, SERB, DST, 2015, Ongoing.
Consultancy Project
- Develop Welding Parameters for Outer Ring of GBC 250/500/660/800 MW to Control Distortion, BHEL, Haridwar, 2014-15, Completed.
- National Doctoral Fellowship, India, Post Doctoral Fellowship From Utah State University, USA