IWD celebrations by WGRC
The Women’s Grievance Redressal Committee (WGRC), IIT Bhubaneswar organized a three day programme as a part of International Women’s Day celebration-2018. The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day was ‘Press for Progress’.
1st Day (6.3.2018): Health Awareness Workshop and Theme
The health awareness workshop was conducted, specifically on women’s health. Dr. Ashima Sarkhel, Medical Officer, IIT Bhubaneswar delivered an immensely informative talk on women’s health and hygiene. The workshop was attended by Students, and members of Faculty and Staffs from the institute.
Various theme based competitions were also organized to commemorate the event. The competitions and the winners have been outlined below:
- Ankita Nandi
- Shruti Pattajoshi
- Shivam Sethi
Slogan Writing:
- Adarsh Divyajyoti
- Madhusmita Nanda
- Kajari Chatterjee
- Kajari Chatterjee
- Meenu Ramdas
- Adarsh Divyajyoti
2nd Day (7.3.2018): Interactive Question/Answer session on Women’s Issues and Rights at workplace and society.
An interactive session on Women’s Issues and Rights at Workplace and Society was conducted. The session was chaired by renowned social activist and a lawyer by profession, Adv. Namrata Chadha. Various questions regarding women’s rights and issues, from the social and legal aspects, were raised by the audience present in the room. It was an engaging and active discussions where the audience learnt much about the glaring problems in the society concerning women. Few theme based competitions were also organized and the winners have been enlisted below:
Poem Writing:
- Kausani Ghatak
- Malaya Mohanty
- Navinya Chirmukar and P.Sai Sindhu
Story Writing:
- Harsh Mantri
- Sagarika Mishra
- Malaya Mohanty
3rd Day (8.3.2018): International Women’s Day Lecture & Cultural evening
The three day programme reached its culmination on 8 March 2018. Dr. Gitanjali Batmanabe, Director of AIIMS Bhubaneswar, was the Chief Guest for the evening. Dr. Nandini Harinath, senior scientist at the ISRO Satellite Centre, Bengaluru and the Deputy Operations Director for the Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), was the Guest of Honor for the evening. The program started with the lighting of the lamp followed by formal welcome address by Dr.Kiranmayi Landu, the Chairperson-in-charge, WGRC. Director-in-charge Prof. Sujit Roy gave the presidential address by sharing his valuable thoughts and insights on the importance of celebrating International Women’s Day and this year’s theme ‘Press for Progress’. Prof. Roy talked about the need for gender parity and the need for a change in our attitude towards women’s needs. Dr. Gitanjali Batmanabe delivered an inspiring as well as a memorable speech on motivating the youth to achieve their goals by stepping out of their comfort zones. She regaled the audience with interesting anecdotes from her life. She also reminded that as enlightened and learned women we must teach and give to those who need. The Guest of Honor, Dr. Nandini Harinath, shared her immense knowledge and wonderful experience of working as a senior scientist at ISRO and also gave valuable insights into the Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) by her brilliant presentation. The audience was fascinated by the unique and enthralling lecture experience. Prizes were distributed to the winners of various competitions. A token of appreciation was presented to Dr. Nandini Harinath and Dr. Gitanjali Batmanabe by WGRC. The Vote of Thanks was proposed by Student Coordinator of WGRC, Anu Panwar. The event concluded on a celebratory note with cultural programmes showcasing the remarkable performances from students, members of faculty and staff, and their family members.