AI & HPC Research Center

Prof. Ashwini K. Nanda, Center-Director
Dr Ashwini K. Nanda is a research scientist in high performance computer systems, architecture and AI, and is a Fellow of IEEE, USA, and a Fellow of AAIA (Asia pacific AI Association). He pioneered the concept of heterogeneous supercomputing at IBM TJ Watson Research Center in NY, which has become the norm for all major supercomputers in Top500 today. The technology developed by him and his team enabled the world’s first PetaFLOP supercomputer system ‘Roadrunner’ at Los Alamos National Labs in 2008.
As the Head of Tata Computational Research Labs (CRL), Pune, Dr Nanda led the development of the Eka system (Asia’s fastest supercomputer in 2007-2009). At Wipro Bangalore, he developed parallel computers for the Akash missile system lead by honorable ex-President Dr Abdul Kalam (then head of DRDL) in 1980’s.
Dr Nanda is the Founder and CEO of HPC Links, a company focusing in the areas of HPC systems, cyber security and AI. Past and present customers of HPC Links include US Airforce Research Labs, Total Energy, AWE/UK. Microsoft, NVIDIA, GE, NEC, IITM Pune, Indian Defense Establishments, NPCI and Reliance Industries.
Dr Nanda’s past research work involved cache memory/coherence controller design and system performance published in prestigious conferences including ISCA, Micro, ASPLOS and HPCA. He has served in the Editorial Board of IEEE TPDS, IEEE Computer magazine and IBM Journal of R&D, and was the General Co-Chair of HPCA 2001. He holds fifteen US patents and has published over 60 papers in international journals and conferences. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engg. from Sambalpur University, MTech in Communication Engg. from IIT Madras, a PhD in Computer Science from Texas A&M Univ and entrepreneurship/executive training from MIT Sloan School and Wharton Business School. He is currently a visiting professor at IIT Bhubaneswar focusing on applications of Artificial Intelligence and HPC.