AI & HPC Research Center

Advisor & Research Collaborator: Prof. Lalit Mohan Patnaik, ex-Professor, IISc, Bangalore and ex-VC DIAT, Pune
L M Patnaik obtained his PhD in the area of real time systems in 1978 and DSc, by Thesis, in the areas of computer systems and architectures in 1989 from the IISc, where he worked during 1971-2011 .His teaching and research interests have been in the areas of computer architecture, parallel and distributed computing, soft computing, mobile computing, VLSI systems, AI and machine learning. In these areas he has published over 1300 papers. He has supervised over 30 Doctoral students and over 250 Masters students. He is a Life Fellow of the IEEE, Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) and all the four leading Science and Engineering Academies of India and Distinguished Fellow of the International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI). As a Founding Vice Chancellor of the Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT), Ministry of Defence, Government of India, he initiated a number of programs in the areas of nanotechnology and cyber security for defence applications. After his superannuation in 2011, he has been serving as an Adjunct Professor and NASI/INSA Senior Scientist with the NIAS. He has won over 30 Awards. His paper on Adaptive Genetic Algorithms has been cited over 4250 times by Google Scholar. Starting from 1980s, he has significantly contributed to initiate and nurture graduate teaching and research programs in computer science and engineering at the IISc. He was actively involved during the formative stages of three pioneering organisations of India: CDAC, NBRC, and DIAT. To improve the quality of research in several technical institutions of the country, he spends significant part of his time to organise international conferences and deliver invited talks in their campuses, serve on their policy making committees, and publish papers with their students and faculty members. His research activities are totally indigenoussly based. ( visit www.lmpatnaik.in)