Review of Tensor Equations, Stochastic Processes, Probability & Averaging; Reynolds averaging, Reynolds Stresses, RANS equations, Turbulent Viscosity Hypothesis; Free-Shear Flows – Round Jet, Similarity, Turbulent kinetic energy and kinetic energy of mean flow- convection, production and dissipation of turbulence, re-distribution, turbulent diffusion; Other Self-Similar Flows – Homogenous Shear, Wind Tunnel Turbulence, Mixing Layer; Statistical Description of Turbulence - stationary and non-stationary turbulence, homogeneous and non-homogeneous turbulence, nonlinearity, two-point correlations, structure functions, turbulence scales, energy cascade, vortex stretching, velocity spectra & energy spectrum; Wall bounded flows – Channel flow, Boundary Layer, Near wall velocity & turbulence quantities profile , Equations for Reynolds stresses & TKE balance; Introduction to Turbulence Modeling – Mixing Length Model & k-ε model.
Recommended Books:
- Turbulent Flows, S. B. Pope, Cambridge University Press, (2003).
- Turbulence: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers: An Introduction, P. A. Davidson, Oxford university press, (2005).
- Turbulence: The Legacy of A. N. Kolmogorov, Uriel Frisch, Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2004.