Concept of demand, Elasticity of demand, Supply of transport, demand-supply interaction, Public Policy, Travel demand and value of time, Willingness-to-pay, valuation of user’s benefit and optimal transport pricing policy, Appraisal and Economic Evaluation of Transportation Projects, Case Studies, Economic evaluation of highway projects in India, Road-users’ cost study in India-Objectives and Methodology, Application of HDM Software, Behavioural aspect of transportation planning: Basics of travel behaviour analysis, stated and revealed preference data, experimental design, travel behaviour survey, binary, multinomial, nested logit model, maximum likelihood, case studies on choice modelling and estimation of value of travel attribute .
Reference Books:
- Studies in the economics of transportation by Beckmann et al.
- Applied Transport Economics by Stuart Cole
- McCarthy, P. Transportation Economics, Blackwell Publishers
- Transportation Decision Making: Principles of Project Evaluation and Programming, Wiley, by Kumares C. Sinha, Samuel Labi,
- C. Jotin Khisty, B. Kent Lall, Transportation Engineering: An Introduction, Prentice Hall.
- Indian Roads Congress, “Manual for Road Investment Decision Model”, Special Publication 38, New Delhi.
- Indian Roads Congress, “Manual on Economic Analysis of Highway Projects”, Special Publication 30, New Delhi. Revised version.
- John Hibbs, Transport Economics & Policy: A Practical Analysis of Performance, Efficiency and Marketing Objectives Kogan Page,.
- Economics of Urban Transport by Kenneth A Small and Erik T Verhoef
- Principles of Traffic and Highway Engineering by Garber and Hoel
- Economic Evaluation of highway projects in India-IRC
- Road Users cost study in India - IRC
- Swait, Louviere and Hensher, Stated Preference Methods
- Moshe Ben Akiva, Discrete Choice Analysis: Theory and Analysis to Travel Demand
- Applied choice analysis: A Primer by David Hensher and Willium Greeene
- Discrete choice methods with simulation- by Kenneth Train
- HDM Software and manuals
- LIMDEP with NLOGIT Software and manual
- ALOGIT Software and manual
- NGENE Software