Passage of radiation through matter: Interaction of heavy charged particles, neutrons, gamma rays and relativistic particles. ionization loss characterized by the Bethe-Bloch equation, loss via bremsstrahlung, and the Cherenkov effect; Radiation Detection: Detection mechanism, characteristics of detectors. Detectors in Nuclear Physics: gas detectors, scintillation counters; Solid state detectors. Detectors in Particle Physics: Drift Chambers, spark chambers, bubble chambers; Accelerators: Van de Graff, LINAC, Cyclotrons, Synchrotons, Colliders; Pulse Processing: Timing and Energy measurements, data acquisition and analysis; Present Detectors: Techniques used in present LHC (Large Hadron Collider) detectors, such as CMS, ATLAS. |
Text Books/Reference Books:
- Knoll Glenn F., Radiation Detection and Measurements, John Wiley and Sons.
- Leo W. R., Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments, Springer Verlag.
- Cahn R. and Goldhaber G., Experimental Foundations of Particle Physics, Cambridge U. Press.
- Leroy C. and Rancoita P., Principles of Radiation Interaction in Matter and Detection,World Scientific Publ. Co.
- Grupen C. and Shwartz B., Particle Detectors, Cambridge U. Press.
- Blum W., Riegler W. and Rolandi L., Particle Detection with Drift Chambers, Springer.
- Green D., The Physics of Particle Detectors, Cambridge U. Press.
- Fruhwirth R., et al., Data Analysis Techniques for High-Energy Physics,Cambridge U. Press.
- Ferbel T. (ed), Experimental Techniques in High-Energy Nuclear and Particle Physics, World Scientific Publ. Co.
- Livingston M. S. and Blewet J.P., Particle Accelerators, McGraw Hill