Substitution in Oh and Square Planner complexes, thermodynamics and kinetics, stability of complexes, lability, trans-effect, conjugate base mechanism, mechanism of redox reactions, racemization, electron transfer transfer reaction: inner sphere and outer sphere mechanism, Marcus theory. Inorganic photochemistry: photosubstitution and photo redox reactions of Cr, Co, and Ru compounds, Adamson’s rules. Lanthanides and actinides spectral and magnetic properties, NMR shift reagents.
Text/ Reference Books:
- Huheey J. E.; Keiter E. and Keiter R., Inorganic Chemistry, Harper Collins College Publisher.
- Shriver & Atkins Inorganic Chemistry, Oxford.
- Cotton F. A. and Wilkinson G., Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Wiley-Eastern Company.
- House E. J. Inorganic Chemistry, Elsevier.