Overview of the Financial System; Financial markets vs. financial intermediaries; The Functions and Form of Money. M0, M1, M3, and Innovations in Money; The theory and evidence on demand for money, control of money supply and goals and tools of monetary policy; Interest rate determination; Evolution of Banking sector in India and their scale of operation; Bank regulation and deregulation, and the linkage between money and economic activity.
The interaction between the financial sector and the aggregate economy, especially the interaction between the Banking sector; The role of Reserve Bank of India and its monetary instruments; The Reseve Bank of India, Bond, and Money Markets , Money demand and supply, relationship of bond and money markets .
Text/Reference Books:
- Jadhav, N, Monetary Policy, Financial Stability and Central Banking in India, Macmillan India Ltd.
- Mishkin, F, The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets, Prentice Hall