(A) Theory
- Practice of 2 rhythmic patterns (tala): ektali (4 matra) and tri-puta (7 matra) in 3 speed (bilambit, madhya, dhrut)
- History of Odissi dance from 2nd century BC to pre-Independence period
(B) Practical: {according to pathfinder (Vol. 1)}
- Exercises (silent-sound) and body conditioning (warm-up exercises))
- 4 basic stances of Odissi (sama. abhanga, tribhanga, chowka) plus 3 body bending (abhugna, aabhugna, prabhugna)
- Torso and wrists movements
- Pada sthiti (feet positions), sira bheda (head movements), griba (neck) and dhrusti bheda (eyes movements)
- Sanjukta and Asanjukta hasta (hand gestures) according to Abhinaya Darpanam
- Chowka and tribhanga steps in ektali (4 matra)
- Introduction to the swapta-swara system of Indian music with Sudha Swara Alankar
(Minimum 3 Ragas such as Shankara Varan, Mohona and Saberi with their structural patterns and traditional songs)
Text / Reference Books:
(A) English Books
- Tala Lakshanam- by V. Narasimhacharya, 1986 (address: Frazerpet, Raja Ramamohan Roy road, Kakinada-563001)
- A Dictionary of Bharata Natya- by U.S. Krishna Rao, Orient Longman, Chennai
- Odissi Dance- by Dhirendranath Patnaik, Sangeet Natak Academi, Bhubaneswar
- Love song of the Dark Lord- ed. and tr. by Barbara Stoler Miller, Oxford University Press, Chennai
- Sacred and Profane Dimensions of Love in Indian Traditions as exemplified in the Gitigovinda- by Lee Siegel, Oxford University Press, New Delhi
- Abhinayadarpanam- English tr.by Manmohan Ghosh, Manisha Grantalaya, Kolkata
- The mirror of Gesture- by Ananda Coomaraswamy, Munshiram Manoharlal, New Delhi
- Odissi vocal- by Kirtan Narayan Parhi, Rawa Academi, Bhubaneswar
- The Natya Sastra- translated by a Board of Scholars, Sri Satguru Publications, New Delhi
- The Odissi Dance Path Finder- by Odissi Research Centre, Bhubaneswar
- The Making of a guru; Kelucharan Mohapatra, his life and times- by Ileana CItaristi, Manohar Publishers, New Delhi
- Odissi,an Indian Classical Dance Form- by H.P.Mohanty, Arya Books International, New Delhi
- Guru Debaprasad Das, Icon of Odissi- by Gayatri Chand, (address: 450, nageswari tank, Lewis road) Bhubaneswar
(B) Odia Books
- Abhinaya Darpanam- Odia tr. by Dhirendranath Patnaik, Padmaja Prakasani, Cuttack
- Abhinaya Chandrika-ed and tr. By Dhirendranath Patnaik, Kala Vikash Kendra, Cuttack
- Mardal Bijnana- by Jagannath Kuanr, Bhadrak
- Odia Sahityare itihas- by Surendranath Acharya, Sahadev Pradhan Friends Publishers, Cuttack
- Sangeeta Samgya- by Ramahari Das, Kaishiki Prakashani, Bhubaneswar