Prof. Arun Kumar Pradhan
- Room No. 222, School of Mechanical Sciences, IIT Bhubaneswar, Argul Campus, Jatani, Odisha 752050
- +91 674-713-7112
- akpradhan@iitbbs.ac.in
- School of Mechanical Sciences
Degree | Discipline | Year | School |
Ph.D. | Mechanical Engg. | 2008 | Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur |
Mechanics of Solids, Advanced Mechanics of Solids, Composite Materials, FEM in Engineering, Mechanics of Solids Laboratory, Mechanism Sessional, Machine Design Practice etc.
Composite Materials & Structures, Smart Materials & Structures, Solid Mechanics, Fracture Mechanics & Delamination studies in Composites, Natural Fibre Reinforced Composites etc.
- Vishwas Chandra Khan, G Balaganesan, Arun Kumar Pradhan, MS Sivakumar,”Nanofillers Reinforced Polymer Composites Wrap to Repair Corroded Steel Pipe Lines”, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Vol. 139, Issue 4, pp. 041411, 2017.
- R Bodepudi, DJ Hughes, AK Pradhan, “Evaluation of optimum configuration of adhesively bonded reverse bent joints”, – International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, Vol. No. 77, pp. 78-84, 2017
- PK Mishra, AK Pradhan, MK Pandit, “Delamination propagation analyses of spar wingskin joints made with curved laminated FRP composite panels”, Journal of adhesion science and Technology, Vol 30, Issue 7, pp. 708-728, 2016
- PK Mishra, AK Pradhan, MK Pandit, “Inter-laminar delamination analyses of Spar Wingskin Joints made with flat FRP composite laminates”, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, Vol 68, pp. 19-29, 2016
- Shouryadipta Ghosh, Saurabh Agrawal, Arun K Pradhan and Mihir K Pandit, “Performance of vertically reinforced 1-3 piezo composites for active damping of smart sandwich beams”, Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, DOI: 10.1177/1099636214565656.
- S. K. Parida and A. K. Pradhan, “Influence of curvature geometry of laminated FRP composite panels on delamination damage in adhesively bonded lap shear joint”, International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, Vol. 54, pp. 57–66, 2014.
- H. Jena, A. K. Pradhan and M. K. Pandit, “Studies on water absorption behaviour of bamboo-epoxy composite filled with cenosphere”, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. DOI: 10.1177/0731684414523325
- S. K. Parida and A. K. Pradhan, “3D finite element analysis of stress distributions and strain energy release rates for adhesive bonded flat composite lap shear joints having pre-existing delamination”, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol. No. 28 (2), pp. 481-488, 2014.
- H. Jena, A. K. Pradhan and M. K. Pandit, “Effect of cenosphere filler on damping properties of bamboo-epoxy laminated composites”, Advanced Composite Letters, Vol. No. 23, Issue 1, 2014.
- H. Jena, M. K. Pandit and A. K. Pradhan, “Effect of cenosphere on mechanical properties of bamboo-epoxy composites”, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol. 32, Issue 11, pp. 794-801, 2013.
- A. K. Pradhan and S. K. Parida, “3D FE delamination induced damage analyses of adhesive bonded lap shear joints made with curved laminated FRP composite panels”, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, Vol. No. 27, Issue 10, pp. 1104-1121, 2013.
- M. C. Ray and A. K. Pradhan, “On the Use of Vertically and Obliquely Reinforced 1-3 Piezoelectric Composites for Damping of Laminated Composite Panels”, Acta Mech. DOI:10.1007/S00707-009-0149-4; Published online: 21st April 2009
- M. C. Ray and A. K. Pradhan, “Performance of Vertically and Obliquely Reinforced 1-3 Piezoelectric Composites for Active Damping of Laminated Composite Shells”, Journal of Sound and Vibration. Vol. No. 315, pp. 816-835, 2008
- M. C. Ray and A. K. Pradhan, “On the Use of Vertically Reinforced 1-3 Piezoelectric Composites for Hybrid Damping of Laminated Composite Plates”, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, Vol. No. 14, pp. 245-261, 2007.
- M. C. Ray and A. K. Pradhan, “Performance of Vertically Reinforced 1-3 Piezoelectric Composites for Active Damping of Smart Structures”, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. No. 15, pp. 631-641, 2006.
- Ghosh S, Agrawal S, Pradhan AK, Pandit MK, Active constrained layer damping of smart sandwich beams using 1–3 piezoelectric composites, 56th Cong. of ISTAM, Alliance University, Bangalore,December, 2014.
- S. K. Parida, A. K. Pradhan and V. Hari, “Adhesion failure analyses of single lap joint made with FGM”, 57th international congress of ISTAM, DIAT, Pune, 17th December, 2012.
- S. K. Parida, A. K. Pradhan and V. Hari, “Delamination Damage Analyses of Adhesive Bonded Lap Shear Joints in Curved Laminated FRP Composite Panels adherends”, Proceedings of 4th ICCMS, IIT Hyderabad, 11th December, 2012.
- H. Jena, M. K. Pandit and A. K. Pradhan, “Study the Impact Property of Laminated Bamboo-Fibre Composite Filled with Cenosphere”, 4th International Journal Conference of Environmental Science and Development, Bangkok, Thailand, November 24-25, 2012.
- H. Jena, M. K. Pandit and A. K. Pradhan, “Study on Free vibration response of laminated composite plate with cut out”, International Conference On Structural Stability And Dynamic (ICSSD-12), Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaypur, January 4-6, 2012.
- A. K. Pradhan, “On the Performance of Vertically Reinforced 1-3 Piezoelectric Composites for Active Constrained Layer Damping of Laminated Composite Panels,” 56th Cong. of ISTAM, Sardar Vallavbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat, December 19-21, 2011.
- A. K. Pradhan, “Performance of Vertically Reinforced 1-3 Piezoelectric Composites for Active Control of Smart Laminated Composite Panels. 54th Cong. of ISTAM, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat, December 19-21, 2011.
- A. K. Pradhan, “Performance of Vertically/Obliquely Reinforced 1-3 Piezoelectric Composites for Active Control of Smart Laminated Composite Panels. 53rd Cong. of ISTAM, NSIT, New Delhi, December 18-21, 2009.
- A. K. Pradhan and M. C. Ray, “Vertically Reinforced 1-3 Piezoelectric Composites for Active Constrained Layer Damping (ACLD) of Laminated Composite Panels,” 52nd Cong. of ISTAM, UCE (A), Osmania University, Hyderabad, December 27-30, 2008.
- A. K. Pradhan and M. C. Ray, “Vertically Reinforced 1-3 Piezoelectric Composites for Active Constrained Layer Damping (ACLD) of Laminated Composite Shells,” 51st Cong. of ISTAM, B.N.M. Institute of Tech., Bangalore, December 14-17, 2007.
- A. K. Pradhan and M. C. Ray, “Vertically Reinforced 1-3 Piezoelectric Composites for Active Constrained Layer Damping (ACLD) of Laminated Composite Shells,” 51st Cong. of ISTAM, College of Engg., Andhra Univ., Vishakapatnam, December 18-21, 2006.
- A. K. Pradhan and M. C. Ray, “Damping Treatment of Composite Plates with Active Constraining Layer of Vertically Reinforced 1-3 Piezoelectric Composite,” 51st Cong. of ISTAM, College of Engg., Andhra Univ., Vishakapatnam, December 18-21, 2006.
- A. K. Pradhan and M. C. Ray, “Vertically Reinforced 1-3 Piezoelectric Composites for Active Constrained Layer Damping (ACLD) Treatment of Composite Plates”, 2nd Int. Cong. of ICCMS, IIT Guwahati, December 8-10, 2006.
- A. K. Pradhan and M. C. Ray, “Analysis of Vertically Reinforced 1-3 Piezoelectric Composite as Distributed Actuators in Smart Plate Structures,” 50th Cong. of ISTAM, IIT Kharagpur, December 14-17, 2005.
- A. K. Pradhan and M. C. Ray, “Analysis of 1-3 Piezo-Composite Distributed Actuators for Smart Isotropic Beams”, Proc. of 49th Cong. of ISTAM, NIT Rourkela, December 27-30, 2004.
- A. K. Pradhan and M. C. Ray, “Concept of Smart Structures Design and Application”, 48th Cong. of ISTAM, BIT Mesra, Ranchi, December 18-21, 2004.
Administrative Responsibilities
- Professor-in-Charge, Career Development Cell, IIT Bhubaneswar, Odisha (Since July 2016)
- Chairman, Departmental Purchase Committee (2014-15)
- Assistant Warden (May 2010 – July 2012)
Academic Positions
- Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Scineces, IIT Bhubaneswar, Odisha (Since April 2016)
- Assistant Professor, School of Mechanical Scineces, IIT Bhubaneswar, Odisha (February 2010 – March 2016)
- Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Raipur, Chattisgarh (February 2009 – January 2010)
- Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, IGIT Sarang, Odisha (September 2007 – January 2009)
Ph.D. guided: 02
- Adhesion failure and delamination analyses in lap shear joints made with FRP composites and FGM panels. (2015) – Dr. Sambit Kumar Parida (Currently working as Assistant Professor, Department of Manufacturing Engginering, NIFFT Ranchi)
- Development and characterization of bamboo-epoxy composites with cenosphere filler. (2015) – Dr. Hemalata Jena (Currently working as Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KIIT Bhubaneswar)
M. Tech guided: 05
- 3D FE analyses of joints made with FRP composite laminates with pre-embedded delamination (2017)
- Damage Analysis of SWJS made with FRP composite laminates subject to impact loading (2017)
- Design improvements of Helmets (2017)
- Development of Equipment in Food processing (2017)
- Effect of spew fillet on onter-laminar stresses in adhesive bonded lap shear joint made with curved laminated FRP composites (2014)
Consultancy Projects
- Re-Engineering of a Walking Type Reaper-Binder (Jointly with Dr. M. K. Pandit, SMS & Dr. A. Mandal, SMMME). Sponsoring Agency – Department of Agriculture and & Food Processing (O), Odisha, India (2013-15)
- Design Modification of a Maize Sheller (Jointly with Dr. M. K. Pandit, SMS & Dr. A. Mandal, SMMME). Sponsoring Agency – Department of Agriculture and & Food Processing (O), Odisha, India. (2012)
Sponsored Projects
- Design Innovation Centre. (Jointly with Dr. S. N. Panigrahi and Dr. M. K. Pandit, School of Mechanical Sciences, IIT Bhubaneswar). Sponsoring Agency – MHRD, Government of India.
- Improved Crack and Delamination Growth Resistance Technology Development for Isotropic and FRP Composite Structural Components. Sponsoring Agency – Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi, India. (2013-16).
- The UK India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI) Thematic Partnership in Low Carbon Materials Technologies, Innovation and Application (Jointly with WMG International Manufacturing Centre, University of Warwick, UK, IIT Kharagpur & IIT Guwahati). Sponsoring Agency – UK India Education and Research Initiative, UK. (2012-14).
Completed – 02 Continuing – 02